Program LID-PSSL - Engineer

Main applications

         Program "Engineer" of the program set allows you to make the calculation of the laser due to the scheme: master oscillator-amplifier-frequency doubler with different elements. The calculation is based on averaged kinetic equations. This part is used for the education process (lectures, seminars, diploma works, etc.) and for the engineering works.
         All Initial Data are technically measured parameters. Special library contains active elements parameters. It are Ruby, YAG (1064 and 1318 nm), YAP (1079 and 1341 nm), YSGG, GSGG, Glasses, YLF (1047 and 1053 nm) and other.


Groups of Initial Data (parameters) for Laser Master-Oscillator.
Program allows you to select the type of active element from DataBase.

The program allows you to calculate temporal dependences for generation parameters with single and periodical active Q-switch.

Temporal dependencies for YAG:Nd laser in serial-pulse mode.

The functional computations allow you to make the optimization of the initial data.

Dependencies of output laser parameters versus of the output mirror reflection.
Comparison of the output laser energy for different kind of lasers (Active-Single, Active-Periodic and Passive Q-switch modes of operation).
Dependencies of output laser energy versus of the output mirror reflection. Parameter of curves is pumping energy.

The special program mode "Comparison" allows you to compare the computation results with the experimantal data. This program mode allows you to modelize the lasers on the experimental data.

Comparison of computation data and experimental results for YAG:Nd laser with passive Q-switch.